with school, an internship & job hunting life's been a little crazy lately. i'm sorry for the lack of posts right now. i hope you understand. in the meantime, please enjoy this video ^^^

Michelle Obama’s look won’t be the only fashion statement to live on past last week’s Inauguration. Selling like hotcakes are $179 versions of Aretha Franklin’s distinctive hat with its Swarovski rhinestone-rimmed bow that the Queen of Soul wore to sing “America” at the swearing-in ceremony. The hat’s designer, Luke Song of Detroit’s Mr. Song Millinery, tells the Los Angeles Times he’s sold thousands since its debut on national TV. While Aretha’s hat was a customized version, Song will be responding to demand by producing a collection of 12 hats in a variety of colors and bow sizes, priced from $150-$220. The Aretha-inspired collection will be shown during February’s Women’s Wear in Nevada trade show in Las Vegas. The company sells its hats in over 500 U.S. stores. and while they usually doesn’t name their toppers, this collection will be named after the singer herself. If you’re dying for a hat like Aretha’s, click over to mrsongmillinery.com for contact info.
That hat is bananas. I'm not sure how I feel about that just yet.
i can't believe both your bro and sis works in fashion, that is aweesome:) love her hat but I wouldn't wear it.
that is some hat for sure..lol
like the bow though
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